India’s Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda, has urged the National Medical Commission (NMC) to increase the number of medical seats by 75,000 by 2029. This is reported by
ANI, a partner of TV BRICS.
He also highlighted the importance of achieving the target set by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to increase the number of medical seats to meet the growing demand for doctors.
The minister emphasised the introduction of new technologies such as AI-assisted assessment of medical colleges and the AADHAAR Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS), aimed at enhancing time attendance within government organisations, for teachers.
He also mentioned the setting up of the National Medical Register (NMR), which has already collected more than 20,000 applications. He also highlighted the shift in thinking towards preventive health and wellness.
Additionally, Nadda stressed the importance of the Family Adoption Programme for students, which helps them become more skilled doctors.
The decision to increase the number of medical seats is a step towards providing better healthcare in India and training new generations of doctors ready to meet the challenges of modern healthcare.