Harare hosted a workshop on the National Blue Economy Strategy, which aims to maximise the value the country derives from fisheries and water resources. This is reported by ZBC News, a partner of TV BRICS.
Zimbabwe’s National Blue Economy Strategy will determine how people can economically benefit from the country’s water resources.
“Remember we have over 10, 000 water bodies and the idea here is to find how best can we use our fisheries, to ensure each relevant sector benefit from it, so this workshop will come up with tangible benefits like employment creation, tourism, and transportation,” noted Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Permanent Secretary, Obert Jiri.
In November 2018, African leaders tasked the African Union to develop a blue economy strategy to guide the sustainable development and utilisation of water resources of member states.
The three-day event brought together representatives from various sectors including fisheries, water, tourism and transport to jointly discuss and shape the National Blue Economy Strategy in collaboration with Southern Africa and the African Union.